Phil-osophy Blog
Self-Defense Fundamentals

I get asked questions about self-defense all the time - "What would you have done"? or "What would you do in this situation"
First, before you even think about response or tactics, you should understand self-defense calculus, which is that Time + Space = Self-Defense Survival. Although this is not an absolute, it is a good rule of thumb.
You should always think of your most lethal weapon system as the one between your ears. The best defense is avoiding a situation where you have to defend yourself, don't make bad decisions that put you in a compromising situation! If you maintain the time to make good decisions, and space to allow you to respond at your maximum stand-off range, then you will probably be able to avoid most of those bad situations that require you to resort to a lethal response. I will be the first to admit that there are really bad people in this work, and they are all around us. These random predators will strike for no other reason than they think they can get away with it. To protect from this threat, we will have to go into our mental awareness model. We'll cover that in our next topic - how to be Aware, Alert, and Prepared.
The One Warrior Philosophy is a way of thinking, and a way of living. It doesn't matter what physical weapon you have access to, the battle is won in the Mind of The Warrior.